While I'm itching to get back to crocheting soon, I've been busy thinking up how this year is going to go. So far it's looking like a bright year - I got an offer to advertise my hats in my children's pediatrician's office, which I plan to do next month when we go back. My hats may also going to be featured in a local boutique store. And, I'm still getting pictures from last year's sales and they're adorable! Today I received one from my triplet order!
I also picked up my crochet hook for the first time in almost two months the other day, to make the infant cookie monster hat into a bigger baby hat. Now my daughter has her fuzzy Elmo hat that she wears everywhere (even to bed!) and my baby son has a fuzzy cookie monster hat! The two of them are adorable as they wear them around together!
After a very busy year, I'm enjoying my pressure free time off to have lots of bonding time with my baby boy, but I'm definitely getting excited about getting back to it in the next month or two! I'm eager to start building up my store again, so in between custom made orders I can also have a large amount of ready to ship items as well.